Chyavanprash By Dr.Balaji tambe santulan ayurved Special formula made as per Ayurvedic traditional recipe for kayakalpa Ayurveda say's that the regular intake of Chyavanprash helps to improve vitality and memory and gives a long life span Especially good for rejuvenation of the spine blood purification asthma and cough It is a rich source of vitamin C and hence recommended rasayan for the whole family

संतुलन च्यावान्प्राश - ध्तुपोषक,अश्वगंधा,विदारीकंद वगैरे वनस्पतीपासून तयार केलेला हा अवलेह गर्भ्धार्नेपुर्वी घेतल्यास बिज्साम्पान्न्तेस मदत करतो, गर्भारपणात घेतल्यास गर्भ विकासास हातभार लावतो..
Special formula made as per Ayurvedic traditional recipe for kayakalpa Ayurveda say's that the regular intake of Chyavanprash helps to improve vitality and memory and gives a long life span Especially good for rejuvenation of the spine blood purification asthma and cough It is a rich source of vitamin C and hence recommended rasayan for the whole family.